On January 9, 2018, our community was ravaged by a devastating natural disaster. The Montecito Mudflow claimed the lives of 23 of our community members and hundreds of homes were destroyed. Already exhausted from battling the Thomas fire for weeks on end, our First Responders, collaborated as never before, to rescue those they could from the sudden devastation.

In the aftermath of the fire and mudslides, we wanted to thank First Responders and show them how much their efforts were appreciated. To that end, a new organization, “One805” was created, hosting the largest non-profit event in Santa Barbara History – The Kick Ash Bash! It brought together actors, entertainers, singers, performers, and most of all, our community in a spirit of healing. First Responders and their families were treated to an amazing day where we were able to put the tragedy behind us. Thanks to the efforts of many, over $2 million was raised to provide counseling support to First Responders and purchase equipment to directly support victims of the terrible tragedy.

A message from the One805 President
A message from Richard Weston-Smith, President of One805
One805 - Christopher Lloyd TV Spot
One805 - Christopher Lloyd TV Spot

Today, One805 is a permanent 501(c)(3) corporation, raising funds for all three First Responder groups – Fire, Police, and Sheriff – purchasing equipment, supporting public safety & taking care of those who take care of us.

It is the only organization that allows you to help all of our First Responders with one donation. There are so many things they all need that cannot be provided from their budgets, so community support has long been the only way they can get their hands on un-budgeted safety items or equipment for which immediate funding is required.

Our First Responders don’t only need our support in the aftermath of a disaster, they need it year in, year out. Be it flood, fire or earthquake, natural disasters are inevitable in California, so as we remember the past, and prepare for the future, consider giving generously to One805.


Community disaster preparedness is incredibly important in helping First Responders do their jobs efficiently. To build a culture of preparedness it is important to work with the whole community to improve response to disasters and emergencies. From the moment an event or disaster happens, citizens are the first, most directly affected.

Research on preparedness shows that people who believe themselves "prepared" for disasters often are not as prepared as they think. For example: many do not have household plans, have not conducted home evacuation drills, and/or do not know their community's evacuation routes.

Part of One805’s mission is to work with local schools and other community organizations to improve disaster preparedness


When the moment comes for us to dial 911, we all need our First Responders to be the best equipped they can be. First Responder departments can submit grant requests to One805 for anything they might need that cannot easily or quickly be obtained through their normal budgetary process.

We have been asked for jaws-of-life equipment, robots, drones, dive masks, ECG machines, generators, Spanish language lessons and helicopter harnesses - to name only a few.

Grant requests can be submitted any time, and are reviewed by our Advisory Council of the Chiefs of all Santa Barbara County First Responder agencies.


There is also a growing need for resources and services to support First Responder’s positive mental health. Many mental health conditions, including depression, substance use disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and even suicidal ideation, are more common among First Responders.

Constant exposure to traumatic events and life-threatening situations and the stress of working long hours away from family members, under high-stakes conditions, can easily build up and take an enormous toll on the mental health of First Responders. There are many statistics to support this, the most alarming of which is that Police officers and Firefighters are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty.

One805 is taking a proactive approach to help protect the mental health of First Responders working on the front lines.

Micheal Gallagher on the support provided by One805
Micheal Gallagher on the support provided by One805
Kevin Taylor on the support provided by One805
Kevin Taylor on the support provided by One805
Chris Mailes on the support provided by One805
Chris Mailes on the support provided by One805
Greg Fish on the support provided by One805
Greg Fish on the support provided by One805
Mark Hartwig on the support provided by One805
Mark Hartwig on the support provided by One805

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